Admission Procedure
SR International School opens its heart for students of all caste, creed, colour and religion without any discrimination. Admissions are taken solely on the basis of personal assessment and subsequent Interaction of the kids with the admission
committee. We always believe that admission in a school is a bilateral process where there are two sides one represented by the child and the parents and another by the school management. Parents and their child must be convinced that the programs offered by the school are suitable for them and on the same time school must ensure that the student taking admission can walk head to head what they offer.
- Admission is open to students from pre nursery to VIIth, depending on the availability of seats.
- The student is required to fulfil the age criteria/equivalent grade as mentioned by the admission committee.
- Appropriate aptitude test will be taken to identify basic skills of a child in
language/maths to understand the child's ability.
- Meeting with the Principal is scheduled for the benefit of the child and the parents to know about the SRIS in a befitting manner.
- An incomplete Registration Form will be rejected without assigning any reason. The pre-admission formalities include sale of prospectus, student
registrations and results for written and oral tests, fee receipts, obtaining information on various aspects of the school. Parent's interview also
forms an integral part of pre admission technique.
- An non-refundable registration fee is payable at the time of registration for a child to any class.
- An application for registration will be the first step for admission process in case of cancellation of admission, admission fee and school fee will
not be refunded.
- Registration is in no way guarantee to admission.
Admission Rule
Students are required to attend the school punctually and regularly throughout the term except in the case of illness.
No student shay bo throughout the term absent from school without prior approval from the Principal.
- Three passport size coloured photographs
- School leaving certificate (SLC) from school last attended.
- Birth Certificate (Photocopy)
- Student Aadhar card (Photocopy)
- Student Pan card (Photocopy)
- Guardian Aadhar Card (Photocopy) and 2 colour passport size photo
There is a well planned and smooth transition across
each year group and key stage. The curriculum where a wide range of subjects are taught in exiciting and
inspiring ways. The school carries out the usual statutory, assessment and though on going assessment take place in order to ensure that the needs of all pupils are catered for.
"Lessons are interesting and teachers engage with pupils well by their question and answer techniques. They explain lesson purposes clearly and pupils learn how
to review their own learning. Pupils are given good opportunities to express their ideas and opinions."